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The process f或者一个 report through a formal grievance procedure can be a lengthy one influenced by the availability of 原告, 被调查者, 以及调查和/或听证会安排的证人. There are also specific timelines required by Federal and State Statutes that may prolong the process. It is our goal to respond to and resolve complaints in a timely manner.


充电过程中, 调查, 以及裁决程序, our office will use Maxient to communicate vital information with you. Maxient is an online records management system and communication system known nationally for its security and tracking capabilities. Please know that when you see emails or text messages from Maxient, 这是与我们办公室的安全且正式的通信.  


泛亚电竞会议是任何第九条程序的第一步. This meeting is between a 第九条 staff member and a 发牢骚的人 and/or 被调查者 and is designed to collect information, 提供支持性措施, 概述当事人的权利, 并描述解决程序. 

  • 对于一个 发牢骚的人, this meeting will potentially include a review of whether or not 第九条 proceedings are the correct avenue for this complaint’s resolution. Regardless of whether or not your situation falls within 第九条’s jurisdiction AND whether or not you file a 正式投诉, 第九条员工仍然可以提供 支持措施. Decisions do not have to be made during this meeting and may be made at a later 日期.  
  • 对于一个 被调查者,本会议可在发出调查通知之前或之后举行. This meeting will give similar information that a 发牢骚的人 receives. 第九条工作人员将审查我们的政策, 这些指控, 提供支持性措施, 解释被投诉人的权利, 以及解决的过程. 
  • This meeting does not have any influence on the 调查 or the outcome of a resolution proceeding. 泛亚电竞会议可能会收集一些信息, but the 第九条 staff member will only request the information which is necessary to determine whether this is the appropriate resolution process. 他们不会就责任作出任何决定. 

在与投诉人会面后, 第九条工作人员将提供正式投诉表格, 如果提交, 授权大学进行调查. The 正式投诉 is not required for 原告 to receive the accommodations offered during the intake meeting.


A 正式投诉 is filed by 原告* as an official request that the University take action on the reported allegations. The 正式投诉 form will be discussed and reviewed by the 第九条 staff during the intake meeting and includes the name of 被申请人, 日期, 位置, 以及所谓的违规行为. The 发牢骚的人 does not have to submit a complete narrative of the alleged incident. This would be collected during the 调查 and is part of the effort to minimize the amount of times a 发牢骚的人 has to tell their story. 

The 正式投诉 form can be filed during 或者一个fter the 摄入 Meeting. The University can pursue a case up to a year after the incident is reported to the University, 然而, 正式投诉越接近所报告的事件, the evidence related to the case will be better preserved and collected. 

在正式投诉被提交后, the 第九条 staff will provide an 摄入 Meeting for 被申请人 offering all the same information and resources which 原告 received. This is part of the equitable process required by 第九条 federal regulations. 

*The University typically initiates an 调查 at the request of 原告, 然而, there may be times where the 第九条 Coordinator determines that there is a greater threat to the campus community. This may be due to the severity of the case 或者一个 pattern of reported behavior. 在这些时候, the 第九条 Coordinator is authorized to file a 正式投诉 and will notify any and all 发牢骚的人s that their case(s) will be moving forward and invite them to participate.

After the 摄入 Meetings have been completed and a 正式投诉 is submitted, the 第九条 Coordinator will assign the case to EITHER a mediator f或者一个n 非正式的决议 或者让调查员继续调查 调查. Both 原告 and 被调查者 can continue to ask for follow up meetings to answer questions about the policy, 支持措施, 以及他们案子的进展情况. 


There are two official ways f或者一个 正式投诉 to be resolved: an 非正式的决议 或者一个 住听力

如果双方同意,可以启动非正式决议. This is a mediated resolution process without a required formal 调查. Entering into an 非正式的决议 process must be approved by the 第九条 Coordinator to ensure compliance with Federal 规定 and UWF’s policy which may outline specific violations which may not be resolved through 非正式的决议s. 

在正式投诉提交后的任何时间, both 原告 and 被调查者 may agree to enter into an 非正式的决议. The goal with an 非正式的决议 is to empower the parties to navigate through a resolution on their terms. 

  • An 非正式的决议 does not require a finding of responsibility.
  • If either or both parties no longer wishes to pursue the informal resolution prior to a signed resolution agreement, the case will be referred back to the Formal Grievance process where it was left off.
  • The agreed upon 非正式的决议 outcome must be approved by 原告, 被申请人, 以及第九条协调员. Once the 非正式的决议 outcome has been signed by all parties, the matter can no longer be referred back to the Formal Grievance proceedings.


  • 发牢骚的人
  • 被调查者
  • 顾问
  • 中介



在正式投诉被提交后 and 摄入 Meetings conducted, a 第九条 investigator will communicate with and interview 原告, 被申请人, and any witnesses considered to have information to contribute to our understanding of the events, 的相互作用, 以及由此产生的影响. These interviews are conducted privately between you and 研究者, and the information shared will be included in a comprehensive 最终调查报告.

The University cannot compel you to participate in the 调查, 然而 please understand the importance of investigating complaints in a thorough and fair manner. 当我们社区的成员感到他们受到了虐待, 大学有义务进行调查. 要做到这一点, it is vital f或者一个ll involved to participate with openness and honesty—even if you do not think you have any information of value and even if you do not want to.

Investigators strive to conduct their 调查s in a discrete manner to minimize disruptions, 保护调查的公正性, 并保留潜在的证据. The University cannot prohibit participants from discussing the matter with other parties. Any attempt to interfere with or prevent a thorough 调查 may result in further disciplinary proceedings through the appropriate office. 

The information gathered through the 调查 will be compiled into a Draft 调查 Report provided to 原告 and 被调查者. There will be a 10-business day review period for 原告 and/or 被调查者 to provide written edits about their own testimony to 研究者. 一旦这些编辑被纳入报告, there will be an additional 10-business day review period prior to the live hearing. 

目击者 should know that their names and information provided will be shared with 原告 and 被调查者.

调查报告定稿后, 研究者 will return the case to the 第九条 Coordinator to transition the case to the hearing procedures.


There are two official ways f或者一个 正式投诉 to be resolved: an 非正式的决议 或者一个 住听力

A 住听力 proceeding is conducted in front of a panel of trained 第九条 hearing officials.

在听证会之前, both 原告 and 被申请人 will meet privately with a 第九条 staff member f或者一个 pre-hearing conference to review the hearing proceedings, 礼仪的期望, 以及上诉程序.

在听证会前的会议上, 答辩人将有机会承担责任. Should 被申请人 accept responsibility for the alleged violation, 大学将提出适当的制裁措施. 如果被申请人同意拟议的制裁, an outcome letter will be provided to 原告 and 被调查者 concurrently. 

If 被申请人 denies responsibility for the alleged violations or refuses the proposed sanctions, 此事将继续进行现场听证. 

在听证会现场, 研究者, 原告, and 被申请人 will have the opportunity to provide the 第九条 hearing panel with an opening statement and then submit to questions from the panel followed by cross-examination by the other party’s Advisor. 

  • 目击者 will participate one by one in a similar fashion: opening statement, questions, dismissal. 
  • 在听证会结束时, 原告 and 被调查者 will submit to one more round of questioning by the panel and the 顾问 prior to providing a closing statement. 
  • The hearing panel will deliberate in private and provide a written outcome letter to both 原告 and 被调查者 simultaneously.  

An opening statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself and summarize your desired outcomes during the hearing process. If you participated in the 调查, you do not need to completely re-tell your story. During an opening statement you are not allowed to explain the impact of this situation. You will provide this information through a written impact statement. 

A closing statement is your opportunity to respond to evidence provided by any other party during the hearing. 另外, the closing statement is an opportunity to make your final arguments about finding of responsibility and proposed outcomes.



  • Both 原告 and 被申请人 may appeal the decision and or sanction(s) in writing.
  • The appeal must be received within 10 business days of the 日期 of the decision letter.
  • 如果投诉人或被投诉人提出上诉, the other individual will be notified and provided with a copy of the appeal and will be given 10 business days to respond to the appeal in writing. 第九条协调员 will also be provided with a copy of the appeal. 

The University will review the appeal, including all information provided by all parties. 上诉的理由限于以下几点: 

  • Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter; or 
  • New evidence that was not reasonably available at the time the determination regarding responsibility or dismissal was made, that could affect the outcome of the matter; or 
  • 第九条协调员, 调查员(s), or decision-maker(s) had a conflict of interest or bias for 或者一个gainst 发牢骚的人s or 被调查者s generally or the individual 发牢骚的人 or 被调查者 that affected the outcome of the matter. 

学校可以维持纪律处分决定, 修改决定, remand the case to the same Hearing Officer for reconsideration of the discipline decision, 或将案件发回新的聆讯主任重新聆讯. 除非上诉决定将案件发回重新审理, the appeal decision is considered the final decision of the University. A copy of the decision of the University shall be simultaneously forwarded to both 发牢骚的人 and 被调查者.

If you have a question or need to talk to someone about the information listed on this website, 请联系第九条协调员, 珍妮汉密尔顿, at 850.474.2175 or jhamilton@jba-fukuoka.com.